As a woman in my mid 40s, the answer to this question could have gone two ways, depending on my mood, life chaos or hormone balance.
- By Sophie McLaughlin, Founder of Sport + Spirit
If I were feeling like a fighter, defending my existence (as if the day to day life of being mother, wife, friend, daughter, business owner wasn’t enough), I would have answered with a clear “I don’t know, do I need one?, stop asking me”.
Then walking away being frustrated at not having an answer.
Or, if I were feeling like a woman with time to breath and take a minute to ponder the question without judgment, I would say, “I don’t know, but I really need to find one.”
A tarot card once given to me read, “I am the creator of my own life experience." Talk about a getting a kick in the backside to get me moving and find the answer to my life’s purpose. Once again, being frustrated by my inability to fulfil its meaning, I just felt lost.
I really just wanted someone to tell me what it was or how to do it.
I just wanted someone to tell me the steps I needed to follow to achieve “it”. It was really hard to be mindful of my existence and put the work into answering the tough question.
But, I think I did it, or at least am on the path to finding “it”.
For me, it took the words of a spiritual medium to show me a path that was clearer than anything I had ever seen before.
It was a path that would lead me to my vision today; organizing a women’s retreat that helps explore all the different ways to achieve wellness. Will this get me the closer to my purpose and drive in life?
The retreat incorporates everything I feel that I need and want so by helping others to explore wellness, I might just find out what wellness means to me.
So, how does it feel to be a woman in my mid 40s and start a new journey?
Actually, great! Once I committed to the process that started with a flick of a 'mind switch', I turned to my life experiences, history, gut feelings and internal motivation to help determine what I wanted (and needed) to do.
It’s pretty freeing to no longer live in a box that was defined by the stage of my life. Each stage of life required my attention in different ways and brought with it certain requirements of me.